Monday, February 8, 2016

Superpowers and how I'll use them

Having superpowers is a comic geek's dream come true. I am no different from them. In this blog entry I'll avoid to write some cliché about how I'm going to use it on doing good things and save people. Just to be away from the mainstream and also because I'm a selfish piece of flesh and blood.

These are some powers that I dream of having:
   - If I am ever to be bestowed upon the power of Regeneration, I would do all those crazy shit that I see in Facebook vids or even try to kill myself and laughing it out when I completely regenerate hours/ minutes later. Coz' come on.... Even you would do the same shit if given the chance. Am I right?

   - Quantity Manipulation is the power of making multiple copies of yourself that have the same brain as you (for those new to the concept). I would make a couple... make that a dozen of ME's to help around in the house and shit. Coz' I'm one lazy son of a gun or even giving copies of me to some friends that need helping hands around their household. But, of course once they go bad I won't hesitate on chopping their heads off (I would call the competition, the "Hunger James").

   - The pervert inside me is saying "Go full on Peeping Tom on those girls you've been dreaming on spying on", well.. I suppose I can do that in the first hour, but that shit get's old very fast. Maybe I'll prank my friends and some random bystanders until I piss all over my fully invisible self.

   - Maybe on the first sign of the power, I'll show-off some superior weight lifting skills and trick people coming by. After making a name for myself, I'll maybe kill those people bugging me from the past. So, I'd watch yourself if I were you. Same goes to famewhores, I just hope you can breath in the vacuum of space.

   - Duplication is the power of copying any person, animal or thing, kinda like adaptation but with less changing time. I'll be like a male Mystique.. a He-stic (male version of Mystique) and mock personalities worthy of my mocking. Maybe some pranks here and there just to relieve some stress.

   - Is the obese person's greatest dream for a power, the power of eating stuff and never go guilty on getting fat because you can also puke them out whole. Then there's me, I'd like to know how some stuff taste like or where to closely connect the taste of it to.

   - If you know Jean Grey or Galactus then you know what I mean. This is level 5 type of shit right here, top of the class powers and my greatest dream of having to use these. No need for explanations, because this one of those well known powers.

 But, the greatest power I could get is all of them combined to one package to be one hell of a ass-kicker.